
Maria, Charlotte Kerer

No Christmas presents without praying the rosary
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
On Christmas eve we got nothing but an apple or a sugar cane, wrapped in this paper, like there used to be - wrapped sugar canes. Or if we needed some underpants, you got a pair as well. Once ... sometimes some gloves or something like that. But - the candles on the tree were lit before and we had to pray three rosaries. We got a peek at what was inside but we had to pray three rosaries, before we were allowed to open the packet. Thats what it was like at home. Yes. And was there a special meal at Christmas? ... special meal, yes, when there was meat - that was very rare. Very rare. There was meat once in a while. But on Christmas eve, after we went midnight Mass ... and we got home, we got some broth and bread. That was that. And we were content. That was all we knew, yes -